Sunday, August 21, 2016

Shambling Forward

Things have slowed down a bit due to a camping trip, but I have finished a couple Crawler lairs, the Razor Fiend, and a few Shamblers. The latter are fairly quick to paint up and I'm hoping finish them by next weekend and start work on the Soulless and Lairs. I hope to follow up with the Agents and a few Alt Heroes and then take a short break from Myth.

I managed to get a game of Castle Panic in with my wife, she seemed to enjoy it at first, but seemed a bit underwhelmed by the ease with which we won at the end. If she up to it again a later date I'll introduce the Wizard's Tower expansion. I think this is a good learning co-op game, but I like Elder Sign and SoTM a bit better. I also made it out to my local game group and got a game of Imperial Settlers in with a friend of mine and another gamer. My friend as Japan, and myself as Rome had a close run of it, having played before. I really enjoy this tableau building game, it's amazing how much your faction grows in 5 turns. We also played my friends game Big Book of Madness. This was a pretty fun Co-op that had a sort of Harry Potter meets Elder Sign vibe. I'd definitely play it again.

Starbase Orion continues to entertain, and I feel I'm getting a better handle on certain aspects of it. I also picked up Heroes of Normandie at the app store, but unfortunately it doesn't work on iPad2, although I can play it on my phone. This game and it's Cthulhu based Shadows over Normandie have replaced my 15mm Sci-Fi miniatures. The iOS implementation is pretty good, although I think the some rules like for machine guns are different.  I just wish I could play it on a bigger screen, as it can be difficult to read some of the iconography.